Send your comments to and I'll post them for all to see.
A Short Greeting from the WEBMASTER, and your HOST
Pray we make it to the end of this convicted criminal asshat's second term with our country still intact.
DaCabin Report 2024
The latest FunVentures at DaCabin.
The Cabin Report 2023
A compendium of tedious, repetitious cabin tales
I can't keep up with these idiots. It takes too much of my time to make a webpage for every one.
So here is a webpage dedicated to no one individual.
But every one of them is willing to wrap their lips around Donald Trump's cock.
The Cabin Report 2022
The Cabin Report 2021
More wonderful cabin stories and photos!
I have had a change of heart - you anti-vaxing Trumpies are OK by me!
Why I like Anti-vaxing Trumpies
You Trumpies should not click on this link
Don't believe what FuxNews tells you...FREEDOM of SPEECH is ALIVE and WELL in The United States of America.
Clean, clear, cool Caaaaabin Water!
See how local government likes to screw over citizens
What is this guy up to?
Is he...
A. Looking for a hockey game
B. Using a clever disguise to sneak out to the pub unbeknownst to the wife
C. Hunting crickets
D. Engaged in the annual Lakweesha vs. Millers water balloon battle
click here to find the answer...
What is this guy up to?
Is he...
A. Takin' a leak
B. Suckin' bees
C. Steppin' in dog doo
D. Realizing his grandmother just got the last baby back rib
click here to find the answer...
Buy my neighbor's house and I'll throw a party!
EVEN MORE Fun at the cabin!
YAAAY!! It's time for an update on the INSANE NEIGHBOR!
Congratulations, coach Schwarts, you just won the Super Bo...
WHAT? This was just game five of the regular season?
And your team beat the perennial sad sack team of the NFL, the Detroit Lions?
And you ASKED your players to carry you off the field on their shoulders like you just fucking CONQUERED ROME?
Wait, that last one isn't exactly true. You're not JUST A DEFENSIVE COORDINATOR.
You're also...
UH-OH. Another one of my neighbors has lost her mind
Lakweesha's Movie Reviews
Our England Vacation, 2013
Songs I NEVER need to hear again
Michigan DNR announces there ARE cougars in Michigan's lower peninsula...
Wow, this may be the greatest video ever on YouTube...
CraigsList is a great place to sell your old tires
Correspondence with my Nigerian friends
Strange Tales from The Blotter
Some are not as graceful when breaking a chair
Get out that credit card and buy your valuable Lakweesha Havoc MERCHANDISE!
Why can't my kids be NORMAL?!?
Fun With Hair Dye
The Craig's List FREE STUFF Find of the Week!
Lob´cock` n. 1. A dull, sluggish person; a lubber; a lob.
HOW LONG will my magic kit stay?
Fearless, Fighting, Foul-Mouthed WONDER WART HOG!!
Buy my asshole neighbor's house AND I'LL THROW A PARTY!
Be Gentle, It's my First Time: A Guide for New Brides
A reading contest for the kiddies
OH BOY! The FreeBox Find-of-the-Week!
You never know what treasure you'll find in the FreeBox, Telluride's original low-tech CraigsList
OH BOY! Good times at the Raya Halloween Party!
Nothing like being felt up by your host 20 seconds after walking in the door.
Uncle Errin's BIG USA Adventure!!
Some idiots will post anything
Check out my Flooring project!!
Where has YOUR bag been lately?
I found YOUR camera in the AuSable!
GIFS courtesy of